Be a Community Connection!

You are invited to be a part of the Chester County Single Mothers’ Conference! It will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at the Oscar Lasko YMCA and Childcare Center in West Chester. This year we are promoting “Community Connections” – resources and vendors with the sole focus of supporting our attendees. We are expecting 100 moms who can visit your table between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm in the Y’s gymnasium to learn more about your work.

This year’s theme is “Gold Medal Moms”, inspired by the 2024 Summer Olympics. Single Moms are running a marathon that feels more like a sprint. Multiple priorities and the occasional crisis can sometimes overwhelm this hardworking group. So, we provide a variety of opportunities and resources that can help them meet the challenge.

If you work for an organization or have a business that can help moms look better, feel better, parent better or work better, we’d like you to be a Community Connection. We’ll provide a table and lunch, you provide your materials, expertise, and a $25 door prize to be raffled off at the conference.

THE PRICE: Space is FREE to non-profit organizations. For-Profit entities must also pay a $25 fee in addition to their door prize.

Click here to register as a Community Connection: